“La Cattedrale”

It’s surprising how often memories appear to us in visual form, similar to snapshots in the psyche that only the time can erase.
After all, after careful reflection, sight is not only the product of the activity of our eyes, it is also and above all the gaze of our mind through memory. 

This visual nature of the past that gives shape to our memories, does not fit, in appearance, with blindness, yet, I wanted to probe this aspect, trying to tell the fear of losing sight.
But how can the loss of sight be told visually?

Hence, starting from this contradiction only apparently irresolvable, the search for a visual narration of the fear of losing sight is closely linked to memory, although the sight ceases, what remains is the entirety of the experiences that time offers us to the extent that we exist and existence is nothing more than a continuous encounter between us, the world and what goes beyond us.


you can buy the book here: sold out



We can all remember what it is like to be sixteen and feeling that particular foggy mix of conflicting emotions, halfway between the love for your family and the desire to leave, or between the search of strong and tight friendship bonds and the feeling of being alone. Like the young hawk that, waiting to learn how to fly, moves from branch to branch.

2019 - ongoing

This work aims at examining all the physical and psychological changes related to the preadolescent of my younger sister, Alessia, who just turned thirteen.

This series of images are mirrors in which Alessia tries to hide herself, but where, inevitably, her evanescent and ethereal images of young woman is reflected.

I try to focus my attention exactly on her eyes: a not much happy glance but a very fleeting look; a look that is inscrutable, elusive and unapproachable; never empty, full of a certain emotional strength, that my eyes tried to explore, digging in the hard, but also saggy at times, ground of the social core called family, the family bond.


“Beyond Her Eyes”